Disciplinary Procedures
Procedures for suspension / removal of students on disciplinary grounds
The class teacher will issue a warning letter to the student if the student’s conduct or behavior proves to be detrimental to the class concerned/school. The Principal will take disciplinary measures in accordance with the circular, regarding the discipline card system.
Discipline Card System
Yellow Card
- For coming late to school regularly
- For not wearing full school uniform on more than three occasion.
- Using abusive words
- Irregular in bringing the school hand book
- Disobedience to teachers
- Absence during class hours
- Abstaining from morning assembly without permission
Pink Card
- Bringing Cell Phone and other Electronic Gadgets to school
- Stealing
- Damaging school property
- Damaging / Destroying other student’s books, note books etc
- Malpractice during exams or tests
- Possession and reading of obscene and undesirable material in the school
- Fighting, injuring and teasing other students
- Being disrespectful to teachers
- Changing the marks in the progress report card
- Forging the parents signature in the progress report
Warning Card
- A student who received three yellow cards will be given a pink card (second warning)
- A student who receives three pink cards will be given a red card
- A red card will be referred to the discipline committee for necessary disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal of the student
- Red card will be given straight away in the case of serious acts of indiscipline
- Pink or red card will be given to the students in the presence of the parents
- Each class teacher shall maintain a “Disciplinary Action Register” for their class
- A separate Disciplinary Action Register will be maintained by the department head with necessary supporting evidence
- The decision of the discipline committee will be final